Monthly Archives: June 2021

Ziaja med – atopic skin dermatological formula


Hi my Readers 🙂

Little background

Since the beginning of this chaos we are living in, my face started to flare up more than before. I used to have some flare ups before but with all the masks, the problem became continuous and nothing would help. I searched for remedies, tried everything that I could find and it helped, but I had to find something more permanent. I knew that stress was a big instigator but because that wasn’t going to disappear any time soon (even though I tried), changed some of the things that I was eating and ultimately bought a bunch of face creams. I think that even the hot weather is an instigator but at this point I can’t be sure since it was all colliding together.

Ziaja products

Have to say that Ziaja was always my go-to face cream. I have tried so many of them and their cosmetics and the one that I use the most is Ziaja cocoa butter face cream; light formula. Don’t even know how many I have used but there are a lot since I sometimes like to reuse the packaging.

Ziaja med – atopic skin dermatological formula face cream

Tried this cream and I was just a fresh air after everything the skin on my face has been through. Doesn’t have any fragrance or any kind of smell. It claims that is „soothing face cream with moisturizing properties“ and I agree. It does not irritate my skin like some other creams that I tried, calms it down and after few minutes of applying it leaves very healthy shine since it is moisturizing (and unlike some others, it really moisturizes the skin, it does not leave it greasy). I liked it so much that I immediately bought a backup.

Official claims
„Soothing face cream with moisturising properties. Recommended for atopic skin prone to irritation, severe itching and hypersensitive to allergens. Restores natural hydrolipidic barrier of the epidermis.
Softens and moisturises the skin. Reduces skin dryness and excessive itching. Balances the bacterial flora. Soothes irritation and prevents its recurrence. Contains only the essential components of the formulation.“

Ingredients and packaging:

Since then I’ve been using it from time to time when my face needs soothing not only when I have tiny flare up because I have to say that they are reduced, but when I have redness from the sun or something like that.

I recommend this cream to every person that needs help with the skin or moisturizing when redness occur.

Another cream from the MED line that I have tried and I liked VERY much was Ziaja med face cream (the Denova pro line is now known only as Ziaja med). If you need acne – prone skin, that is the cream you need.

Do you have problems with you skin that needs attending? Have you tried this cream? If you have or have a post about it, you can leave it in the comments, would really like to read about it.

Withing you a good one,

face cream soothing moisturising good for babies, children, adults

Nails of the week


Hi my Readers 🙂

Keep in mind that as usual, I’m taking pictures of my nails right before I am about to remove the polish and this time the nail polish is even more damaged since I was traveling and during those days, excessively washing my hands every now and then for at least 2-3 times and using antibacterial sanitizer, so those things take a toll on the nail polish, hence this pictures.

Glitter is SO hard to be fully appreciated through pictures so I applaude the nail bloggers that always manage to do a justice to the polishes that they model 🙂

I took several pictures of them with different light and focus but still no justice. You have to trust me on this one 🙂

And with glitter (I bought it so I had to try it immediately 🙂 )

Have a nice start of the week!

Antidote 😉