Tag Archives: noise

Loud noises and sound pollution

Loud noises and sound pollution

This post was originally meant to be written elsewhere but scrolling down the different kinds of blogs I follow and reading some of their posts, it hit me, why not write it here. It is not going to be read anyway.

I am a person that likes music and when I like music I tend to play it very loudly. I also have neighbors that are remodeling their apartment and on top of that they bought the apartment above. So the sandwich I am in screams “daym, not again”. The moment they kind-of finished the remodeling of one, they started the remodeling of the other apartment. This has been going on for a lot of years.

But don’t let me bother you with those details, maybe you will read about it sometimes in a book or so because trust me, there are stories upon stories and they are interesting.

Being woken up with a drill on a Saturday or even worse – Sunday morning, very early, just about 7 o’clock, I started craving silence. I always advocate for people doing what they want but trust me when I tell you that these neighbors are really awful people.

So, these past few nights, I stayed up late and I found myself just sitting and doing nothing. My brain switched off and I was just enjoying the silence. Unfortunately, it was interrupted with the air-conditioning from the said neighbors because apparently it needs to work even when it is warm.

I will still blast some music, I still want loudness, but after all that noise and the many air conditioners from all the sides at all times and the walls vibrating from them, those 10 minutes of silence were refreshing.